Family Mental Health Conference 2014 Overview

Mental Health Training-  Understanding Trauma and Treating Post Traumatic Stress and Reactive Attachment disorder:  Anne Mangold, Positive Pathways and Tracey DuEst, RAD Coalition

The Mental Health seminar not only met, but exceeded our expectations both in attendance and the delivery of information.

Both families and professionals were absorbed in the day, which included a video of a child and her struggles to learn to trust following some horrific events in her life, participation in games that are meant to help heal trauma-affected brains, and discussions and demonstrations about the importance of a firm, but calm voice when speaking with a child who is traumatized and testing boundaries.

Additional information and resources were made available to the participants to further research and gather more information.  A parent panel was featured and discussion developed around strategies they have used that were successful and those that were not.

Thanks to Lisa Davis at Clermont Developmental Disabilities for pictures and videos from the day which be found at: