10 Principals of Wraparound

  1. Family Voice and Choice – Family and youth perspectives are intentionally made know and prioritized throughout all phases of the Wraparound process. All planning is grounded in family members’ perspectives and the team strives to provide options and choices.  The plan reflects family values and preferences.
  2. Team Based – The Wraparound team consists of individuals who are approved by the family and include members of their household, members of their extended family or friends, members from their community, and members of existing service agencies.
  3. Natural Supports – The team actively seeks out and encourages the participation of individuals from a family’s network of family and community relationships. The Wraparound plan reflects activities that draw on the sources of natural support.
  4. Collaboration – Team members work together and share responsibility for developing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating a family’s Wraparound plan. The plan reflects a blending of team members’ perspectives, obligations, and resources. The plan guides and coordinates each team member’s work towards meeting the team’s goals.
  5. Community Based – The Wraparound team implements service and support strategies that take place in the most inclusive, responsive, accessible, and least restrictive settings possible; and that safely promote child and family integration into home and community life.
  6. Culturally Competent – The Wraparound process demonstrates respect for and builds on the values, preferences, beliefs, culture, and identity of the child/youth and family, and their community.
  7. Individualized – To achieve the goals laid out in the Wraparound plan, the team develops and implements a customized set of strategies, supports, and services that are unique to each individual family.
  8. Strengths Based – The Wraparound process and the Wraparound plan identify, build on, and enhance the capabilities, knowledge, skills, and assets of the child and family, their community, and other team members.
  9. Persistence – Despite challenges, the team persists in working toward the goals included in the Wraparound plan until the team reaches agreement that a formal Wraparound process is no longer required.
  10. Outcomes Based – The team ties the goals and strategies of the Wraparound plan to observable or measureable indicators of success, monitors progress in terms of these indicators, and revises the plan accordingly.