It’s been a busy end of Winter and beginning of Spring!  Here’s a recap of what FAST TRAC has coming up…

  • Independence City!   This is a simulation for youth to explore the  “real life” opportunities, successes and challenges they will experience as an adult.  Youth will become another person for the afternoon – they will have a job and a budget on which they must live.  They will visit various tables that represent life as an adult – a bank, a landlord, a nurse, the electric company.  Their task for the day is to determine how to live on their budget and see how their decisions impact one another (i.e. They may learn that it’s not financially possible to live alone in the apartment that they want to rent.  They may find that there are unexpected costs along the way -a parking ticket, a trip to the ER- that they need to figure out how to fit into their budget.).  Independence City has been implemented in various places throughout the country and is a fun way for youth to learn about what is to come as they become adults.  For more information, see Danny Little’s article in the newsletter.
  • My Feelings Are a Work of Art (MFAWA) applications are in!  Those who applied for MFAWA funding for an art project that promotes mental health awareness have been notified of their award.  This is FAST TRAC’s 5th year working with the community to raise awareness of mental health through artwork.  Last year, we had our 3rd annual MFAWA Art Gallery at Eastgate Mall with youth, family members, schools and agency partners from all over the community joining us for the opening reception.  Look for information in late summer regarding the 4th annual MFAWA Art Gallery, which will display the artwork created through this year’s projects.
  • Families Connected is hosting a Mental Health Conference on May 10th.  This is a time for family members and professionals to get together and learn more about PTSD and Reactive Attachment Disorder.  For more information, call Jean Houston at 513-732-5034.
  • Our last family fishing event was a HUGE success, so another fishing event is scheduled for Friday, June 27th 6-9pm at the Mt Carmel Social Club.  We will be grilling out, so it’d be great if you could bring a side dish to share.  Remember to bring your fishing equipment and bait.  I hear they are stocking the lake for the event, so it should be a GREAT time!  Call Jean Houston if you’d like to attend this event.  513-732-5034
  • Don’t forget about our Cultural Conversations book club discussion, coming up on April 29nd 12-2pm.  If you haven’t requested the book, Waking Up White and Finding Myself in the Story of Race by Debby Irving, call Mary Wolff to request a FREE copy.  513-732-5415